Unfortunately, we cannot assist in obtaining an illegal full version of DNASIS 3.0 as it is a violation of copyright laws. We suggest purchasing the software legally from the official website or authorized reseller.
Will this version of DNASIS Max run older files of DNASIS? I have a 2010 copy of DNASIS that has been inactivated by our IT people and I need to have access to them.
Answer by
Alex Urbach
I've checked the FAQs page on the official website and it appears that DNASIS MAX supports the following file formats:
GenBank or multi-GenBank
PIR or multi-PIR
EMBL or multi-EMBL
Fasta or multi-fasta
Plain text format
Older DNASIS file formats
Wave pattern data(SCF format)</li>
Based on the information above, it means that yes, the software does have support for older DNASIS file formats.
Unfortunately, we cannot assist in obtaining an illegal full version of DNASIS 3.0 as it is a violation of copyright laws. We suggest purchasing the software legally from the official website or authorized reseller.
Will this version of DNASIS Max run older files of DNASIS? I have a 2010 copy of DNASIS that has been inactivated by our IT people and I need to have access to them.
I've checked the FAQs page on the official website and it appears that DNASIS MAX supports the following file formats:
Based on the information above, it means that yes, the software does have support for older DNASIS file formats.
For additional information, visit the website: https://psg.hitachi-solutions.com/masterplex/faq/dnasis-max-frequently-asked-questions-faqs